6 Signs That Childbirth Was Traumatic For You

According to postpartum support international 9% of birthing people will develop postpartum PTSD. Events like fertility challenges, miscarriage/pregnancy loss, NICU stays, baby loss, emergency C-section, and other medical complications during pregnancy, labor and delivery are commons causes of PTSD during the perinatal period. Birthing people with a history of trauma, childhood trauma/abuse are at increased risk for PTSD during this period.

Crisis or frightening experiences that occur around the time of pregnancy and childbirth can lead to debilitating symptoms and make it difficult to just get through the day, let alone take care of your family. You may have negative feelings about your baby's birth, or difficulty bonding with your baby. The good news: Postpartum PTSD and the effects of trauma are treatable. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of traumatic stress or PTSD can be important in getting the help you need.

1 You believed you or your baby were in danger or would die.

2 You can’t remember important details or have blocks of memory that you can’t recall.

3 You felt stripped of your dignity, unsupported, disrespected or violated.

4 You had an “out of body experience", things didn’t seem real, you felt detached from your body or what was happening around you.

5 You felt helpless, terrified, horrified, flooded by fear and anxiety, a lack of control.

6 There was poor communication, things weren’t explained to you, or you had to make critical decisions quickly.

Most importantly, if you feel your experience was traumatic, then it was.

If you recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you care about, remember that birth trauma is treatable.  Schedule a free 20 minute consultation.  I'd love to talk you about how I can help.

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